DDC-I’s Deos Safety-Critical RTOS and Development Tools Available for Docker-Enabled Hosts

Provides Development Host Independence for Avionics Developers Targeting Deos

DDC-I announced the availability of its Deos Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) and OpenArbor Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Docker. The Docker container implementation provides host independence and streamlined product installation for avionics developers utilizing OpenArbor on a Docker-equipped host platform to target the Deos safety-critical real-time operating system.

“Docker provides unprecedented access to our development tools and safety-critical DO-178C Design Assurance Level A Deos RTOS,” said Greg Rose, vice president of marketing and product management at DDC-I. “Avionics developers targeting the Deos RTOS can now hit the ground running with our OpenArbor IDE running on platforms equipped with the popular Docker technology, unhindered by the development host operating system.”

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables developers to isolate the application development environment from the host infrastructure, thereby expediting software installation and code development through seamless integration and by limiting unwanted host configuration dependencies and conflicts.

Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. The isolation and security allow developers to run multiple containers simultaneously on a given host. Containers are lightweight and contain everything needed to run the application, so developers do not need to rely on what is currently installed on the host. Containers can easily be shared among developers, ensuring that everybody gets the same container working in the same way in different host development environments.

Any development host equipped with Docker can utilize OpenArbor and the Deos development tools, enabling avionics designers to develop and debug code for Deos. The development host runs the Docker application. The Docker image contains the OpenArbor development environment needed to build and debug Deos applications on various hardware platforms. OpenArbor’s QEMU (Quick EMUlator) virtual machine then allows the user to run Deos and the integrated customer applications in the Docker container, thereby facilitating application testing in an isolated environment without the target hardware. OpenArbor is an Eclipse-based, mixed-language IDE, which features C and C++ optimizing compilers, a color-coded source editor, project management support, automated build utilities, and a symbolic debugger. Also included is a virtual target hardware development tool, QEMU that allows developers to develop, debug and test their code on their development host in advance of actual target hardware availability.

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